Grand Seasonal Bouquet

  • Grand Seasonal Bouquet
  • Grand Seasonal Bouquet
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This beautiful Seasonal hand-tied in-water bouquet is carefully crafted to create a beautiful gift or treat. For each bouquet, we use a stunning selection of flowers that are available within the season. Please note that the picture above is an example and your bouquet may include different flowers or colours carefully selected by our florists. 


If you would like a specific colour or flower please ring our shop on 01455 6370000, where we would be happy to help!


Care note:

The flowers should be placed somewhere out of direct sunlight out of any draughts. away from any heat sources and try and keep as cool as possible to prolong their vase life.we recommend for you to take flowers out of their water sources after 2-3 days and place them into a vase of fresh water.

Price: £55.00 - Grand